Sunday, 8 November 2009

Present in progress

Present in progress
Originally uploaded by mshedgehog
I've recovered, at last, from the blue thing, and I'm starting to be more productive. Here's a present for the next baby in my knitting group. At the moment it's just a striped tube with bobble eyes, but it's going to have interesting feet.


Anonymous said...

babies love objects with contrasty black eyes ... they're programmed to love them!

Jo A said...

Oooh, that could so nearly be a sock puppet. I'm having an idea...

msHedgehog said...

It could certainly be a sock puppet. All animals are basically tubes!

maya said...

I like the shape and colours. I look forward to the feet. I have never knitted a toy, all that shaping puts me off.

msHedgehog said...

In my designs there's actually not much shaping and what there is, is not as complicated as making a sock. This one is going to have quite interesting feet, but the shaping part of them will be simple symmetrical decreases on alternate rows. I think a lot of commercial patterns overcomplicate things.

Cie said...

You are too modest. High time for a reminder of a certain magnificent frog...