
Monday, 14 January 2008

I passed

hedgehog with a First Aid badgeOh yes, I passed my exam on Friday.

This doesn't necessarily mean I'm a good first aider - I've always been good at passing exams. But I got the compliments of the assessors and a sweet little red and green badge. The slightly scary lady said "I've only written one word - Excellent". Which was nice. I think I got extra points for picking up the imaginary knife that the casualty had cut herself on and putting it in an imaginary safe place before I started bandaging the imaginary wound. (With a real bandage).

So now I can save your life if you puncture a lung with one of my prickles.


  1. Prickles or the more likely knitting needles?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well done Ms Hedgehog, the milongas will a bit a bit safer with you around. By the way, if you want to travel to Coventry on sunday we are organising a milonga in the afternoon... Congratulations!


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